
Weight loss supplements have faced a lot of opposition by the fitness gurus and yoga experts in the past. Most of us still believe that daddy’s old ways are better than this new convenient approach to weight loss.

But when something has a God gifted ability to cut weight, without putting you in harm’s way, then why should you take a different road?

Green Coffee Bean Extract- A Killer Shot Against Bulge


Green Coffee Beans are a gift of nature; its natural anti-oxidant properties put it in the “World’s top 5 super-foods against weight loss” list. Now it’s a common consent among scientists and researchers that Green Coffee Beans can help to lose around 2Ibs in a week.



This is how Green Coffee Beans work.

Green Coffee Beans Against Fats - According to Joe Vinson, a PhD Professor of Chemistry at the University of Scranton, Green Coffee beans (un-roasted Coffee) aren’t being used for the caffeine.

Rather they are rich in Cholorogenic acid, quinides, lignans and trigonelline; all of which are very helpful in boosting metabolism and regulating glucose level in the body.


Cholorogenic treats obesity by inhibiting the absorption of fats from the food we take in and by enhancing the metabolism. As fewer fats are absorbed, we don’t gain any additional weight.

For the old accumulated bulge, metabolism eats it up to make for the increased rate, as triggered by Cholorogenic acid. When more fat cells are burnt than stored, the only effect you will observe is a lot of energy and weight shedding.


Is Green Coffee Bean Phenomena Clinically Proven?

Yes. According to a recent study conducted in January 2012 and published by the Journal of Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity; researchers found out that when the subjects were treated with 700mg-1050mg of green coffee bean extract for 12 weeks, they lost 18 pound.


The green coffee bean extract basically used was a function of Cholorogenic acid and hydroxycinnamic acids.

In another random, placebo-controlled study, conducted by our favorite doctor – Dr. Oz; out of the 100 women who were treated with 400 mg Cholorogenic acid thrice a day (for 2 weeks), all of them reported to experience a weight loss of 2Ibs without any side effects.


Both of these studies were conducted independently without an investment from any green bean extract supplement company.


What Green Coffee Bean Users Are Saying?

Green Coffee Bean supplements are the hottest sellers right now – according to Stacey Anne Bistak, Norah Natural Foods in Toronto.


This particular ingredient has initiated a new movement in weight loss industry with legions of customers.

Testimonials you are going to find about this one will be invariably positive. Anybody who has tried Green Coffee Bean loved it.


“I took the green coffee bean capsules and in 3 months lost 47 lbs.. I did have an increase in energy and will admit I walked for 30 mins and still ate the same as I did before. I love it…”

- Millie Schroeder (Tulsa, Okalhoma)


“I have had 0 issues with Green Coffee Bean .I observed a noticeable decline in my appetite. I am averaging 3 lbs a week right now and so my goal is to be down 40 pounds by summer. Very encouraged so far and promise to report back!”

- Isaac, Amazon


I hope the results produced by Clinical studies and these testimonials from real people are enough to clear all your doubts regarding; Does Green Coffee Bean work? This is one ingredient I can confidently vouch for; because after considerable research I know Green Coffee Bean is not only result generator but also is 100% side effect free.